Privacy Policy
At this practise Dr Annabel Pollard is committed to best practice in relation to managing your information. This policy is developed and informed by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and relevant privacy principles when handling personal information, together with the Health Records Act 2001(VIC) (“Health Records Act”).
This policy outlines:
how we collect information
the purpose we hold and use information
how you may access your personal information
how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we manage such a complaint
Website Privacy
Enquiries, emails and text messaging
The email infodrapollard@gmail.com and the website are for purposes of making an enquiry about this service. Other personal information should not be submitted by text, email or web enquiry.
Once you have submitted your enquiry we will respond to you by telephone, as soon as is practical, generally within one to two business days.
If we agree to proceed to an appointment you will receive an online invitation to complete the registration/intake form which includes further information about privacy and confidentiality.
This website may use “cookies”; technology which stores data on your computer using the functionality of your browser. Many websites do this because cookies allow the website publisher to do useful things like find to whether the computer has visited the site before.
You can modify your browser to prevent cookie use, or accept certain cookies. The information stored in the cookie is used to identify your computer and to assist with tracking patterns of visitors to the website.
Your contact information will not be shared with third parties
Your Personal Information
What kind of information do we collect?
The types of information we may collect and hold includes:
your name and address, date of birth, email and contact details
relevant family and personal history
notes of your presenting concerns, symptoms diagnosis and treatments
reports and referrals from medical practitioners other counsellors and health care professionals
medicare information
billing information
appointment information
any other personal information if applicable
Where insufficient or inaccurate information is not provided at our request we may not be able to deliver the appropriate services.
How do we collect and hold this information?
We generally collect this information
directly from you when you provide such information via face to face discussion, telehealth, text messaging, via website enquiries and registration forms and any information provided to us online
from third parties where the Privacy Act allows this, may include but is not limited to, other members of your treating team, for example accepting referrals from specialists allied health professionals and hospitals.
when we receive website enquiries or if the website is accessed or used
Why do we collect, hold, use, and disclose information?
In general we collect hold use and disclose information for the following purposes:
to provide the best possible health service to you
to communicate with you in relation to this health service
to comply with legal obligations which may be enacted such as a court subpoena
to help manage the administrative support involved in this service
to communicate with others involved in your care such as doctors and allied health professionals
information about you will be disclosed only with your consent - unless safety or risk concerns override this
By engaging this health service, registering your details on the website, via email or telephone, or by completing the online registration form or otherwise engaging this health service, you consent to this service collecting using and disclosing your personal information (including Health Information) for the purposes of providing psychology services
If you are a third party provider, we may use your information to communicate with you, including to accept your referrals and pay invoices.
How you can access and correct your personal information?
You have a right to seek access to any personal information held about you (subject to legal exceptions) so please also let us know if you have any concerns or complaints about the handling of your personal information so we can address them promptly. Any inaccuracies will be promptly rectified
Access to your health information is likely to occur in a standard 50 minute consultation, charged at the standard fee
We may decline a request if the Privacy Act requires us to do so.
How do we hold your personal information?
Psychologists are trained to respect and protect privacy and confidentiality. We take reasonable steps to protect information from misuse loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
All reasonable steps are taken to keep your information safe and secure and all documents are stored electronically on a password protected computer and within a password protected online secure data base HALAXY (“Website”) may also include GOTTMAN CONNECT RELATIONSHIP CHECK UP (“Website”)
Psychologists comply with the governing body such as the Psychology Board of Australia, and the codes of ethics of professional organisations such as the Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA).
Contact details for privacy issues
Dr Annabel Pollard Psychology
806 Lygon Street, Carlton North, Vic 3054